About Maria

Maria Rekrut
Human Potential . Sales . Entrepreneurship . Peak Performance

In the area of human potential, no one is better known and more respected than Maria Rekrut.  She is in high demand as a speaker by many of professional associations worldwide. Her message has reached people in a number of major cities throughout North America.Maria delivers electrifying, personalized and memorable presentations that are full of insightful ideas and principles that can reshape your vision of what’s possible. Few speakers punctuate their programs with a fresh, understandable approach to utilizing the most valuable asset we all possess – Human Imagination.When Maris’s time is over with an audience, amazing things happen. Desire levels and inner drive increase, self esteem and morale is raised, creativity is stimulated, challenging assignments and situations are approached with a new perspective, and most importantly all these things effect your bottom line.

If you’re looking for a motivational speaker who will engage and empower your membership or organization, then look no further.  Maria rings a critically authentic perspective to her interactive workshops, seminars and presentations.


Invite her to share the story of her inspiring journey from the depths of a marriage breakup, no money, to life of optimal wealth in spite of setbacks.   Hear her talk about and discuss her key strategies for living well with disadvantages and how they might work in your life.

Real Estate Tip 1: Attention to detail is vital! Sweep the porch, change lightbulbs, etc. Your buyers will notice! Share on X