The World Economic Forum and their cronies are on an agenda to prove that there is GLOBAL WARMING…. SO THEY’RE SETTING THE PLANET ON FIRE!! HOW MUCH ARE THEY GETTING PAID FOR THIS?

The , and their cronies are on a mission to prove the existence of GLOBAL WARMING…. SO THEY ARE SETTING THE PLANET ON FIRE!!

From Hawaii to Vermont, climate change keeps hitting Americans hard in 2023 via @Yahoo

About Maria Rekrut

Maria Rekrut, believes Vacation Rental Investing is much more fun than the average real estate investing. Maria, known as the Vacation Rental Guru, writes blogs regularly about her stories and adventures in vacation home investing. Maria Rekrut believes that if she can become successful investing in Vacation Rentals so can anyone else by following her simple investing techniques. Maria is also a regular contributor to the Real Estate Blog
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