
After separating from her husband she was able to purchase her own home, with no money down, start her own successful business, live in a beautiful town of her choice and buy a new car.

My name is Maria Rekrut, and I had to start from scratch at the age of 36 to rebuild my life.  I moved to a new city, didn’t know anyone and started from scratch to rebuild my life, business and build my wealth.  Yes, you too can do it, rebuild your life and wealth as a single person at any age.

I was a self-employed business woman who had a business in New York City together with my husband. We were doing very well,  earning enough to take trips, have a nice apartment and furniture, new car and we paid our bills on time and even put money away to save to buy our home.

My husband was a successful physician, we thought we were financially intelligent and responsible.  We did realize that the only way we could make money was to work, and we also were looking to work from home and earn passive income.

Before we could start our dream of working from home and earning passive income, we decided to divorce and go our separate ways.

“Suddenly my life turned into a whirlwind and I left my husband after irreconcilable differences. I left him, our home, car, city and moved into a city I didn’t have any ties with, didn’t have any money, didn’t have a car, I had to walk everywhere, no job, no friends, was depressed because I always thought about the life I ‘COULD HAVE HAD’ but couldn’t because I had left my husband.”

What separates the winners from the losers is taking action. When I bought my first home, I didn’t have enough money to even put down as a down payment, I had to borrow the 1st, 2nd and 3rd mortgage in order to purchase my first home.

I had to work 7 jobs in 7 days, as I didn’t have a full time job, I did not even know how a mortgage worked until I attended real estate seminars that inspired me to get financially educated and to become financially independent. I am now living a life I never dreamed possible.  I now own real estate and am completely self sufficient financially from my real estate holdings.

I’ve made it my mission to teach other single, newly separated women and men how they  too can become independent using Real Estate. Financial freedom has taken away a lot of stress and allowed me to help my aging parents, continue to build my business from home, and  continue to become educated about Real Estate.

I am now exploring many different facets of real estate.  Real Estate is my passion, dealing with real estate has used all of my skills, energy and I have attained the greatest amount of intellectual and financial growth. It is amazing what can happen when you change your mindset and educate yourself.  My hope is that you will choose to get educated so that you can also make a difference in your life and the lives of others around the world.

Three years after barely starting, I accumulated wealth through real estate …  It had nothing to do with winning a lottery… any get-rich-overnight plan… or any network marketing program.

.How I did this is leveraging the proven formulas for wealth in real estate (remember… we had no credit, no money and no experience).  I created a system that worked, and have never looked back…I am not saying that I am the only one that can teach you this… people have been investing in real estate for centuries… and getting rich along the way.

.In fact, if you look at the World’s  richest list, a large majority of them built their wealth in real estate. Many real estate investors go on and teach others how to do it. But I have a secret weapon to share with you.

.It’s all about the speed with which you make your wealth.  You decide your own pace.  Some people like going about the slow and steady approach,  and some like to make wealth quickly. I never had that choice.

I believe  that if I could do it, you can do it too.   Build your wealth one house and one day at a time.

Business Tip 1: Focus! Don’t jump at every opportunity; take time to make your current venture a success. Share on X
