Maria Rekrut, Editor-in-Chief, Real Estate Media News Radio and TV Network
We have 2 economies, one is for the super rich that had profited from the Coronavirus and the other which is the rest of the world, that have lost homes, jobs and health in the meantime. This is all a game being played so that the super rich can continue to line their pockets.
We have two justice systems, one is for the powerful and well connected and then there is the one for the rest of us!! While the rest of us have to obey the laws, or else the book is thrown at us.
For the powerful and well connected they are allowed to routenly break the laws and get away with it.
So we need to be tough and hold regulators, the corporations and the government accountable, as they, time after time commit massive fraud against their people and investors. They get away with it without as so much as a scratch, especially from the top executives.
This has got to change and we have to have strong accountability measures in place, for the most powerful in our country if we’re going to make progress.