Did World Economic Forum Call for Slaughter of Millions of Pets To Save Climate? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pet-murder-wef/
Average rent in Canada bounces back above $2,000 — $224 more than last year https://financialpost.com/real-estate/canada-rent-back-above-2000
Canada Housing Crisis @rCanadaHousing
“Homeless shelters fix homelessness” is one of the biggest lies Canadians grow up with. Not only do shelters cost more to run than traditional public housing – they don’t work anywhere near as well. Japan, Finland, and humble Medicine Hat, AB solved homelessness via *housing*.
We all know Biden is a puppet like Pinocchio. How else can he beat Trump sitting in his basement? The question is who is the puppeteer? Klaus Schwab and the WEF? Let’s not be Biden’s puppets. Fight back.
The 50 biggest landowners in the US today
As the world’s third-largest country in terms of landmass, it’s unsurprising that those with extra cash want to snap up a piece of the America pie. But did you know that relatively few people hold the reins on vast expanses of the country’s pastures? From ranchers who have owned land for generations to newcomer billionaires splashing the cash, read on to discover America’s 50 biggest landowners, using 2021 data from The Land Report.
The allegory in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ https://www.baltimoresun.com/opinion/op-ed/bs-ed-schaller-0805-20150804-column.html
Arrested crypto boss hugs parents as he is denied bail over ‘one of biggest financial frauds in US history’ https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/other/arrested-crypto-boss-hugs-parents-as-he-is-denied-bail-over-one-of-biggest-financial-frauds-in-us-history/ar-AA15fu6M?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=9b6edff43aeb4c139383a89a6d71f130
How Dutch farmers became the center of a global right-wing culture war
Radicalized by conspiracy theories, some activists see the farmers in the Netherlands as the latest victims of an assault on Western civilization itself.
Google Source of Information:
Kevin O’Leary, Which Business Did He Put out of Business????
SoftKey later changed its name to The Learning Company and was acquired by Mattel in 1999, with the sale making O’Leary a multimillionaire. Mattel then fired him after the acquisition resulting in significant losses and multiple shareholder lawsuits.
What did Mr. Wonderful sell to Mattel?
Though he’s never the most kid-friendly shark, Mr. Wonderful bought The Learning Company, which made educational computer games, and absorbed it into Softkey, retaining the TLC name. He sold TLC to Mattel for over $3 billion in 1999, a huge disaster for the toy company. Oct 17, 2014
Pet “superfoods” could be seriously damaging to the environment.