N5 Notice Ontario: Step-by-Step Guide for Landlords in 2024

Landlords Learn the Correct Way of Serving an N5 Notice in Ontario, Canada, in 2024

Are you an Ontario landlord dealing with difficult tenants? Understanding how to correctly serve an N5 notice in 2024 is critical for keeping your rental property and dealing with issues such as interference, vandalism, or overcrowding.

This detailed article and video will explain to you the proper approach to serving an N5 notice in Ontario, Canada, ensuring that you comply with all legal requirements and safeguard your rights as a landlord. We’ll go over everything you need to know about property management, from filling out the N5 form to the correct delivery methods.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the correct way to serve an N5 notice in Ontario, Canada, ensuring you follow all legal requirements and protect your rights as a landlord. From filling out the N5 form to the proper methods of delivery, we’ll cover everything you need to know to navigate this important aspect of property management.

As a landlord in Ontario, Canada, understanding the proper procedure for serving an N5 Notice is crucial for maintaining a harmonious rental environment and protecting your property. The N5 Notice, officially known as the “Notice to End your Tenancy for Interfering with Others, Damage or Overcrowding,” is a powerful tool for addressing problematic tenant behavior. Let’s explore the correct way to serve this notice in 2024.

Understanding the N5 Notice

The N5 Notice is used when a tenant or their guests engage in behavior that substantially interferes with the reasonable enjoyment of other tenants or the landlord’s lawful rights, causes willful or negligent damage to the rental property, or results in overcrowding of the rental unit. It’s essential to act promptly when these issues arise, as delaying action can complicate the process and potentially lead to more significant problems.

Reasons for Issuing an N5 Notice

Substantial Interference

This can include excessive noise, harassment of other tenants, or engaging in illegal activities on the premises. Be prepared to provide specific examples of how the tenant’s behavior is affecting others.

Damage to Property

If a tenant or their guests cause damage beyond normal wear and tear, whether intentionally or through negligence, an N5 Notice may be appropriate. It’s crucial to document the damage with photographs and obtain repair estimates.


When the number of occupants in a rental unit exceeds health, safety, or property standards, you can issue an N5 Notice. Familiarize yourself with local bylaws regarding occupancy limits.

Completing the N5 Form

Proper completion of the N5 form is critical to its validity. Here’s how to fill it out correctly:

  1. Names and Address: Include the full names of all tenants and landlords. Provide the complete address of the rental unit, including any specific unit numbers or floor designations.
  2. Termination Date: This depends on whether it’s the first or second N5 Notice within six months:
  • First Notice: At least 20 days after serving the notice
  • Second Notice: At least 14 days after serving the notice
  1. Reason for Termination: Clearly indicate the specific reason(s) for issuing the notice by shading the appropriate boxes.
  2. Details: Provide a detailed description of the issues, including dates, times, and nature of the incidents. If more space is needed, attach additional pages and note “SEE ATTACHED” in the details section.
  3. Signature and Date: Sign and date the notice. If you’re a representative, include your contact information.

Serving the N5 Notice

Proper service of the N5 Notice is crucial for its validity. Here are the acceptable methods:

  • Hand delivery to the tenant or an adult in the rental unit
  • Placing it in the tenant’s mailbox or mail slot
  • Sending it by fax to the tenant’s home or business fax machine
  • Courier delivery
  • Regular mail

It’s important to note that posting the notice on the tenant’s door is not a valid method of service.

After Serving the Notice

Once you’ve served the N5 Notice, keep a copy for your records. The tenant’s response depends on whether it’s their first or second notice within six months:

  • First Notice: The tenant has 7 days to correct the issue and void the notice.
  • Second Notice: The tenant cannot void the notice, and you can immediately apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) for eviction.

If the tenant fails to address the issues within 7 days of the first notice, or if it’s a second notice, you can file an L2 application with the LTB for eviction. Include a copy of the N5 Notice and a Certificate of Service with your application.


Serving an N5 Notice correctly is essential for maintaining the integrity of your rental property and ensuring a fair process for all parties involved. By following these guidelines, landlords in Ontario can address tenant issues effectively and legally in 2024. Remember, the goal is to resolve issues amicably when possible, with eviction as a last resort.

Always stay informed about any changes to landlord-tenant laws and consider seeking legal advice for complex situations. By mastering the N5 Notice process, you’ll be better equipped to manage your rental properties successfully and maintain positive relationships with your tenants.

Mastering the N5 Notice process is crucial for Ontario landlords in 2024. By following these guidelines and staying informed about the latest regulations, you can effectively manage rent payment issues while adhering to legal requirements.

Remember, when in doubt, consult with a legal professional to ensure you’re following the correct procedures and filling out the forms correctly. I never filled out Notices without having my paralegal go over them with me, or I have my paralegal fill out the form and serve the notice.

Be sure to speak to a paralegal once you have read this article and listened to this video, as there may be some up dates to the N5 that we’re not aware of. Laws change all the time, and it can sneak up on you!! Always, always seek the advice of a paralegal before you fill out any forms, just to be on the safe side.

Feel free to set up an appointment on my calendar and let’s see if we can work together to make you more successful with your real estate investments!! https://calendly.com/realwealthradio/maria-rekrut-discovery-session

Happy Investing,

Maria Rekrut

About Maria Rekrut

Maria Rekrut, believes Vacation Rental Investing is much more fun than the average real estate investing. Maria, known as the Vacation Rental Guru, writes blogs regularly about her stories and adventures in vacation home investing. Maria Rekrut believes that if she can become successful investing in Vacation Rentals so can anyone else by following her simple investing techniques. Maria is also a regular contributor to the Real Estate Blog http://www.reiclub.com/realestateblog/author/maria-rekrut/
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