How to Generate More Valentine’s Day Bookings This Year

Paveya > Blog > How to Generate More Valentine’s Day Bookings This Year

generate-valentines-day-bookings-for-vacation-rental-companiesThis year, Valentine’s Day is on a Friday and President’s Day is on the following Monday. This is a PERFECT circumstance for planning a Valentine’s Day getaway, as this will be a long weekend for many people who get President’s Day as a paid holiday off of work. Want to grab a few extra Valentine’s Day bookings for your vacation rental company this year? Then be sure to point out this message wherever you can – your social media accounts and email blasts are a great place to start. Check out more tips for generating Valentine’s Day bookings below. After all, $18.6 billion dollars was spent on Valentine’s Day gifts and celebrations in 2013. Grab more of that revenue this year for yourself!

Step 1: Create a Special Blog Post

Construct a blog post that will attract, inform, and persuade potential renters to choose your vacation rental company for their Valentine’s Day destination. For example “Why (insert your destination here) is the Perfect Valentine’s Day Getaway,” and “5 Places For a Romantic Valentine’s Day Dinner in (your city)” would grab the attention of those who are in the decision-making stage of the buying process; people who know they want to head somewhere for Valentine’s Day, but are just unsure of exactly where. Your blog post could be the catalyst they need to book their holiday in your city, and with your company, so be enticing, engaging, and creative with your descriptions to create allure for your destination on Valentine’s Day.

Be sure to include a Call to Action (CTA) at the bottom of your post with a graphic that draws readers’ attention, tells of your Valentine’s Day renting specials, and that links to your website where those specials can be found.

Step 2: Distribute it Through Email Blast

One way to get your blog post out in a timely manner, as Valentine’s Day rapidly approaches, is to send it out in an e-blast to your list of contacts and leads. Be sure to include information on your Valentine’s Day Specials within the email, but make the main focus be the advantageous blog post, not the deals, to avoid sounding too much like a sales message and less like the helpful source of information you want to be for your potential guests. Follow these tips for a successful Valentine’s Day blog post e-blast:

  • Include an excerpt or summary of your blog post, plus a link to the post on your site. Don’t include the whole blog post because then the recipient will have no reason to click and visit your website.
  • Include an image if possible.
  • Ensure your email template is mobile friendly. If you use a service like MailChimp or ConstantContact, your email template is likely already mobile friendly.
  • Include a link to your Valentine’s Day specials.
  • Include a message that this year Valentine’s Day is the Friday before the President’s Day long weekend

Step 3: Post/Advertise in Social Media

Be sure to post your blog post in your social media networks, like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and others, for maximum exposure immediately.

You can also create Facebook Ads out of the posts once you post them to Facebook and target them to the people who are most likely to visit your area on Valentine’s Day using Facebook’s ad management system. Facebook ads are great if you have a limited budget. Just determine how much

So go ahead and get started by following these steps to generate more bookings for your vacation rental company this Valentine’s Day. For more information or for other helpful marketing tips for your company, visit Paveya’s Vacation Rental Marketing blog.

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About Maria Rekrut

Maria Rekrut, believes Vacation Rental Investing is much more fun than the average real estate investing. Maria, known as the Vacation Rental Guru, writes blogs regularly about her stories and adventures in vacation home investing. Maria Rekrut believes that if she can become successful investing in Vacation Rentals so can anyone else by following her simple investing techniques. Maria is also a regular contributor to the Real Estate Blog
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