How To Market Your Vacation Rental to Millennials


Apps, Millennials, and How to Market Your Vacation Rental or B&B in a Wi-Fi World.

Vacation Rental and Bed and Breakfast Owners are always looking for ways to attract new guests and retain customers. How do we attract the Millennial Generation?

The Millennial Generation is looking for reasonable ways to do things and cheap ways as well. That’s why such websites as are popular because it’s cheap and they can sit on their bed and do it. Some rental places have not only created apps and mobile websites, but also games and concierge apps.

A lot of hotels and vacation rentals are even thinking of restructuring as a whole and getting more technology and design to apply to the consumers. The age of advertising is changing and sometimes the structure of the hotel / vacation rental is something that might need to change as well. The new age is high on Wi-Fi, if there’s Wi-Fi they’ll go and I believe that is something that businesses are trying to adapt to as well.

Focusing on the apps a bit more, you have all kinds of apps that the new generation is using right now. Let’s start with apps that show you what is around your location, such as places to shop, restaurants, vacation rentals, bed and breakfasts and hotels. There are apps out there that show you where nearest gas stations are, where you can find food restaurants as well and even find attractions and events in that said place you are going.

Some also inform customers to the nearest hotels/motels, and places such as that as well, which is all in one app. Some of those apps are: IExit, RoadNinja, HotelTonight, which lets you book a hotel at the last minute. There are apps that let you book flights through them, such as: Hipmunk, which is a flight and hotel app, there’s also Kayak, which leads you to great deals on flights, hotels, car rentals and etc., which has vacation rentals, B&B’s, villas and hotels for good prices with a pay later feature that you can use as well. You can filter to your needs and make sure you find the right hotel, motel, vacation rentals and bed and breakfasts for you.

Google Maps and Apple Maps is something a good handful of the 21st century uses, because everyone has an IPhone for the most part. When taking road trips it is especially useful if you are driving. TripAdvisor was the hottest app of the year, it has over 200 million vacation rentals, bed and breakfasts, hotels, motels, restaurants, attractions and so much more to look into.

Yelp was another one that was very popular for the millennials, which displays customer reviews for just about anything you can think of. Uber has become one of the most popular apps used as well, not just for traveling, but it’s like a new-aged taxi that takes you places for a fee. All you do is put your credit card into the app when you sign up and it takes it right out the moment you leave the Uber. Airbnb is still such a great app to use and website as well and millennials are the largest uses of this website.

The 21st-century has a different variety of apps that millennials use, some apps have it all in one and some are specifically for certain things, but that’s what makes the app generation something spectacular don’t you think?

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About Maria Rekrut

Maria Rekrut, believes Vacation Rental Investing is much more fun than the average real estate investing. Maria, known as the Vacation Rental Guru, writes blogs regularly about her stories and adventures in vacation home investing. Maria Rekrut believes that if she can become successful investing in Vacation Rentals so can anyone else by following her simple investing techniques. Maria is also a regular contributor to the Real Estate Blog
This entry was posted in 2nd, 2nd home owners in real estate, Accommodations, Amazon, Bed and Breakfast, Blogging, EBay, Google, Green products, home stay, Inns, Marketing, Marketing for Vacation Rentals, Marketing in the 21st Century for Vacation Rental Owners, motels and hotel owners., second home owners, Social Media, social media marketing, vacation rental, word press and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.